About Me?

Here is where I pour my heart out on the page and hopefully won't bore you.

My Design Journey

If you have found your way to this page you are at least mildly curious to who I am and how I do what I love so best I get into it straight away.

I am a half UX Designer and half a Graphic Designer having been trained to be both. I was taught at Edinburgh College where I earned my HND in UX Design, from there I have been looking for work wherever I can to keep my skills sharp and growing.

I love UX design. I found it suited me due to my ability to empathise, in this case empathise with the user and their situation. Whenever I make a minor or massive decision in my design I find myself asking what a user would think rather than what I think.

My Focus

Throughout my 3 years at college I stuck true to the jack of all trades mind set I had at the start of my time in higher education, I think that being adept in every part of the design process possible leads to a wider and more usable skill set then if I studied a software or one single skill till I was blue in the face. I was taught that above all the design thinking and adaptability are the best things a designer can have.

The technology and people we are designing for are changing so fast that by the time you master how to design for a single audience that same audience could have changed or disappeared entirely. In 10 years the term UX designer might not even exist. I try to focus on what stays constant in design so I can hopefully avoid being redundant or outdated and I feel improving how I look at design and how scores of different people look at it is the best way to do that.

What I Want

I believe that the best way to change with the times and improve my own design process and thinking is to simply keep working until I can say I've mastered it all (Which will never happen). To keep practising I need to find work and projects that interest me and keep me on my toes, hopefully that where you keen reader will help me out.

Getting Personal

In case you're curious I spend what little free time I have on a few hobbies. I run a heavily modified game of Dungeons and Dragons with my friends every chance I get, which still isn't as often as I’d like. This acts as my secondary creative outlet, first being design of course. Otherwise I do have a soft spot for cinema old and new due to the stupendous range of media to enjoy. Nothing better than watching a fantastic four movie so bad that the director was paid to not realise it.

If my brief story of my design life so far has managed to keep your interest this long please feel free to get in contact with me, we can talk about whatever you like.

I'm available at deanm.ux@gmail.com or this site own contact page